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14 Things to Do Alone on Valentine’s Day:

You can still make Valentine’s Day special even if you are by yourself. It does not have to be a day that you dread. After all, the best love story is between you and you, it is the most important relationship and the best love story! Imagine what it would be like to feel big, pure love for yourself. To have warm, fuzzy feelings for yourself. You can give yourself everything that you have been looking for from other people.

1. Go to a Restaurant

Food at your favorite restaurant tastes just as delicious when you are flying solo. Pick a restaurant that you have been wanting to try for a while and go there. Dress amazingly, smell nice, and enjoy. Remember to pick up some flowers while you are out.

2. Bookstore

Pick up a book you have been wanting to read for a while. It doesn’t have to be a romance novel. You can combine it with going to a cafe after and starting your book. This is a very cozy way to spend your Valentine’s Day.

3. Picnic

There are many benefits of being in nature. One is that it triggers an increased production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is best known as the happy hormone. It improves mood, reduces anxiety, and promotes feelings of well-being and happiness. While that is happening you can enjoy your favorite meal and dessert. You can prepare something yourself or get a ready-made meal.

4. Cafe

As I mentioned above you can get lost in your new book while in a cafe, with a latte in hand. Enjoy new flavors of cakes, donuts, or cupcakes. People watch while enjoying those desserts. Take in the view.

5. Museum

Going to the museum alone is a vibe. You get to absorb all the artwork without any distractions. It allows you spend as much time as you want staring at a single statue without anyone pulling you away because they are bored. You get to indulge your curiosity and learn about the parts of history you are interested in.

6. Have a staycation

Nothing says self-love like booking a room at a hotel. The best part of this is that you don’t have to do anything while you are there. Leave your work and all your other responsibilities behind. Enjoy yourself anyhow you want.

7. Self-care Day

Stock up on face masks, scented candles, bath bombs, wine, and chocolate for this one. Exfoliate your skin, do a face mask, a hair mask, and a lip mask. Sit in the bath with scented candles to accentuate the self-care vibe. Drink wine and eat chocolate while watching your favorite show, reading, drawing, or painting. Spend some much-needed quality time with yourself.

8. Read

You can skip the cafe and self-care stuff and just go straight to reading. Dedicate some time to read a book you know that you will love and have been anticipating for some time. Get lost in another world and leave all your worries behind. Books are magical in that way.

9. Volunteer

Spending your day serving others is an amazing way to spend any day, let alone Valentine’s Day. It is a great way to spread love around the world and to the people around you. It will make you feel fulfilled and it will make the people you are serving extremely happy.

10. Dinner at Home

Put on your apron and toque (chef’s hat) and follow a recipe that you have never made before. Play a cooking playlist from Spotify and sip on wine in between stirring and chopping. Once done serve your meal on the plates you normally reserve for guests. Light candles to boost the mood. Make it romantic.

11. Journal

You can do this in addition to doing one of the activities or make it a whole thing. Get comfortable on your couch with your journal and pen on your lap. Search for self-love or self-discovery prompts on Pinterest. Do ‘would you rather prompts’. Do fun journal prompts (that you can also search for on Pinterest). Take quizzes online about your favorite shows and movies. Take self-awareness quizzes such as the 16 Personalities Test and the Enneagram Personality Quiz.

12. Go Shopping

Spoil yourself, you deserve it. Go buy those shoes that you have been eyeing for months, go buy that handbag that matches most of your outfits. If you do not have the money to buy clothes, go window shopping. Take a bunch of clothes to the fitting room and admire how they look on your body.

13. Spa Day

If physical touch is your primary self-love language, a spa day will serve you and your body very well. Book a full body massage and relax while the masseuse works their magic. Your body will thank you for it. If that is not the best way to spend Valentine’s Day, I don’t know what is.

14. Self-love Party

A self-love party is a party where you celebrate yourself. Firstly, gather all the things you deem necessary for a party. Acknowledge where you are and how far you have come. Then write yourself a letter expressing how proud you are of yourself. Write down all your accomplishments, big and small. Celebrate the person you are today and all the things that make you you.

There it is folks, you can enjoy Valentine’s Day by your damn self. You don’t need a man to make you happy or to buy you flowers — because you can buy your own goddamn flowers. If you are still not in the vibe of vibing alone, I wrote an article about How to Stop Feeling Pathetic on Valentine’s Day. I highly recommend that you read that after this.

Always remember this quote:

You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody. – Maya Angelou

1 thought on “14 Things to Do Alone on Valentine’s Day:”

  1. Pingback: How to Stop Feeling Pathetic on Valentine's Day: - With Avuma Flatela

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