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How to Recover from Failure in 7 Easy Steps:

Failure in life is inevitable.On your journey to becoming the best version of yourself, you will encounter many obstacles. Some of your plans will fall through leaving you devastated. You will feel crushed; you will feel like it is the end of the world.

What distinguishes successful from unsuccessful people is how they deal with failure. It is important not to let this setback on the road define your whole life. You need to be able to acknowledge the failure without letting yourself wallow in it forever.

1. Stop Beating Yourself Up:

Failing is hard enough without having to pile on the negative self-talk. You have to be on your side, which means not kicking yourself when you fall. Instead, be there to pick yourself back up. Meet yourself with kindness and compassion in this challenging time.
You did the best that you could with the knowledge that you had at the time.

Do not condemn your younger self for doing what they thought was best to protect themselves at the time. They may have made some questionable decisions, but they did not know any better. You know better now, and you can do better.

Beating yourself up won’t change what happened. It will just worsen everything by magnifying guilt and shame, which are emotions that you really can do without right now.

2. Let Go of the Failure:

“You cannot move on to a new phase in life if you bring your old baggage with you; let the bad go and
move on to the new.”

Patrick Read Johnson

In order to move on, you have to let go of the past. You have to forgive yourself for what happened. Acknowledge your past without judging yourself for it. You are human, which means that you will
occasionally mess up. The only way to learn from these mistakes is by taking only the lessons and leaving everything else in the past.

You should live your life without guilt about your past gnawing at you every second. You deserve to have a smile that is not tainted by yesterday’s mishaps. Forgive yourself and this will allow you to be happy again.

3. Lean on Healthy Coping Mechanisms:

As you try to process everything that has happened, you may find yourself struggling to get out of your head. You may feel overwhelmed by emotions like sadness, disappointment, frustration, and embarrassment.

This can be a slippery slope towards using unhealthy habits to try to make your feelings go away. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. It is okay to feel sad. It is okay to grieve the loss of your business, project, job, identity, or anything that you lost.

Lean on healthy habits to try to make yourself feel better. This will get you out of your slump and get you ready to face the world again. Healthy habits such as journaling, exercising, eating healthy, spending time in nature, and getting enough sleep.

4. Lean on Your Support System:

I know during this difficult time you might be tempted to self-isolate. Whether it is because you want to give yourself space to cry alone on the floor or you feel too ashamed to be around other people. Isolating yourself, especially when you need support the most, is not a good idea.

Surround yourself with people who care about you. People who will remind you how smart, beautiful, and utterly fabulous you are. They will help you process your emotions and get back on track when you are ready to. They will help to remind you that you deserve unconditional love no matter what you do or say, and nothing can ever change that.

You do not have to cope with everything you are going through alone. You do not have to carry all the weight of your emotions and the aftermath of everything alone. It is okay to reach out for help to people who love and care about you.

5. Reflect on Your Failure:

I can imagine that you must be tired of hearing that there is no such thing as failure; you either win or learn. The reason everybody says that is because it is true. Failure is nothing more than just a learning
opportunity. It gives you the liberty to start over again but this time, better.

As Michael Jordan says, he has failed over and over again in his life, and that is why he succeeds. He takes all the lessons he learned when he tried but did not succeed and uses them to inform his next move.

You can ask yourself these questions to help you reflect:
● Take a moment to revisit your original goals. Were they realistic, and did they align with what you
wanted to accomplish?
● Identify key moments or choices that contributed to the failure. This helps in understanding where
things might have gone off course.
● Reflect on whether there were signs of trouble that you might have ignored or not paid enough
attention to.
● Explore ways to extract lessons from the failure. Consider how you can apply these lessons to
future endeavors.
● Reflect on your mindset throughout the process. Consider strategies for maintaining a positive
outlook, even when faced with challenges.

6. Move Past the Failure:

After you have done all the work to assess everything that happened and have taken all the helpful information from the situation and left out the unhelpful stuff. It is now time to look ahead. Forget the past because you are not going that way. It is time to set new goals.

Create new exciting adventures to look forward to. The most important thing is that you keep going. Please do not let this failure get you down. Do not let it steal your dreams. Do not let the fear of making another mistake stop you from trying and ultimately living.

You still have a lot to offer the world. You have a bright light within that you need to share with the world. Every successful person has failed multiple times; that is why they are successful. They have tried a lot of ways that did not work. That got them closer to ways that do work. Failure is part of the process. The rest of the process is getting up and trying over and over again until you succeed.

7. Be Proud of Yourself:

You have no idea how remarkable you are. Stop being so busy counting every single time you fall that you do not notice when you are soaring. Give yourself enough credit for all the work you have done, all the times you have shown up, and all the wins you have collected.

You should be proud of yourself. You dared to not only set a goal to achieve something, but you went out and tried to accomplish it. Do not let your efforts go unnoticed. You are remarkable and utterly

This too shall pass. You will overcome this. You will come out the other side of this stronger, wiser, and more resilient. This is just a character-building phase of your life. Right now, you are acquiring lessons and skills that you will need in the next phase of your life.

This is not personal; it is not an attack on you character. This is just life. It has its difficulties. Make sure to hold onto your vision and trust the process. You will make it to where you want to go, I promise.

Read a similar article from Transition & Thrive to really cement the ideas you’ve just read.

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